Wednesday, January 13, 2010

my quote

Though we are small we can do great things…though we want to stop it, life goes on….though we dream, not many come true….though we cry, there is always reason….though we love, there is always hate…..though there’s truth, it’s never told…..though there’s sadness, there’s happiness too…….though there’s hope, there’s disappointment….though we feel, there is no feeling….though we see, we do not watch…though we hear, we do not listen….and though we speak, we do not tell the story.

Deepest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inatequit. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, talented, gorgeous, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us, and as we let our own light shine, we unconciously give other people permission to do the same.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Hello Krista, I'm blogging to you about a blog page that I have added to the "Beaver Family Web Site". I also up dated the local news page too about an incident that happened this week. Please check out the new additions the family web site.
Love, your dad
Jason Lee Dethloff (Beaver)
Fightingbear Thunderhead Beaver

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I survive anouther year of remembering.

I can breath a little easier now that I survived another year of remembering the day that the trade centers where attacked by terrorist on September 11, 2001. I know you where told what happened to me on that day too. I just hope this never happens again. That is also why we must never forget that day, & remember those who gave their lives to try & save those who where in those towers when they started to fall. Also we need to remember the victims that where in the towers as well as those who where on the ground in its path when they fell. With love & hope, we will stand tall & never give in to those would try to destroy us. The same is with family too.
Signed with love:
Jason Lee Dethloff
Fightingbear Thunderhead Beaver

Friday, September 11, 2009

I would like you have a look.

Hey, hope you are having a good day. I have put a new blog entry in to my blogger & I would like you to have a look at it & leave a comment.

Love your father:

Jason Dethloff
Fightingbear Thunderhead Beaver

Tuesday, September 8, 2009 ..again

Well its not that its all boring i mean i love my clasess they are starting to get fun the only classes i hate are the ones with obnocious i spelled that wrong people in them cause they just get really irritationg like so far biology isn't that bad and english II Acc the teacher is funny and so far things are simple so thats good to the only class i dont like is history i dont like it i dont really find a piont in history ..i mean whats wrong with the future?....and what else sucks is that i have it all year long with choir i only have the rest of my classes for a term or two and thats it............OMG i bought this perfume that smells great it is french perfume imported from paris and it smells WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!! i wore it today and i was exhausted today too for some reason probably all that walking yesterday from 9:30 in the morning to 6:00 at night walking non stop to shop at the saint martins fair any way that was fun really fun......*breath* my bunny is soooo spoiled i bought him two different types of treats yesterday and a harness and leash so that he's not always trapped in his little not that little but you know what i yeah school is doing good so far ...can't wait for singing gig on thursday will be sooooooooooo yeah any way ran out of stuff to talk about so yeah talk to ya soon love ya lots byes

-Krista Dethloff <3>

Monday, September 7, 2009


I'm sorry that you are finding school very boring, but at least you are getting an education. Your aunt Tanya end up dropping out of High School from what I can remember, but she will say that she was kicked out. Now I am not sure if that is true or not, but the school said that she dropped out, as for that part, I'm not sure what is the truth. Either way, she went to complete her schooling else where. At least she did complete her education. I came close to dropping out of school once, but never did. Now I am wondering why didn't, because now I'm having a hard time getting a job, so now I have the idea of opening my own business. When I get this up & running, you are welcome to work there if you want. I will find a place for you in the business when I get it up and running. I did get all of the pics that you sent me, all I have to do now is digitally crop and separate them from a single page. Oh, when it comes to Mr. Henry Willard Morgan, by all means, do what you can to avoid him at all cost. According to the court papers, he is not to be trusted at all. I'll be clad when this hole mess with him is all over, once & for all. Hopefully you will be able to come out to see me next year.

Signed with love, your father:
Jason Lee Dethloff (Beaver)
Fightingbear Thunderhead Beaver